Sr. Game Designer Brazil – Curitiba

  • Período Integral
  • Curitiba

vagas emprego

Sr. Game Designer Brazil – You’ll work together with the Game Designer on designing new and exciting levels as well as working closely with the creative team to ensure all details and placement are pixel-perfect and functioning as intended.
You’ll use components and tools provided by the developers, coordinating with other game designers, ensuring quality, and meeting with company executives.
Ideal candidates will have experience in game design, knowledge of computer systems and languages, and excellent communication and collaboration skills.
Responsibilities You’ll be responsible for implementing art assets and ensuring functionality is set up and working as intended.
Work with the game designer to take a game concept and break it into an exciting and innovative experience for Pazus players.
Write a level document to communicate all game aspects with the entire team (Dev, Art, QA, etc.
Work with the Art and Dev teams to implement all level requirements and build the final experience.
Youll also be responsible for reviewing and approving the final product, monitoring game performance, and analyzing and improving as needed.

Requirements At least 4 years of experience in game design Bachelor’s degree in game design, instructional design, or learning technologies (advantage) Ability to work with the game designer to take a game concept and break it into an exciting and innovative experience for Pazus players Ability to write a level document to communicate all game aspects with the entire team (Dev, Art, QA, etc.

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